Outsourcing is one of the more effective project implementation forms as the delegation of tasks to a specialized organization will shorten the training time, optimize costs and satisfy the main objective which is quick and professional achievement of the assessment criteria. Effective occupational health and safety management not only helps to meet requirements of the applicable laws, but also:
All employees, including those of the subcontractor, are obliged to be familiar with the OHS regulation and the internal procedures of the company. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Economy and Labour of 27 July 2004 on occupational health and safety trainings (Journal of Laws No. 180, item 1860) all the employees, regardless of their position, seniority or employment form are subject to OHS trainings.
Initial training includes general instructions and on-the-job training. In view of a large number and rotation of the employees as well as changing regulations and work conditions the above mentioned regulation was amended in 2007. The amendment clarified, among other things, self-education based on materials provided by the training provider including, in particular, the use of internet. Therefore, the job trainings can be partially conducted in the form of e-learning. With the use of the latest technologies employees can gain or refresh their knowledge in convenient time while the employer does not bear the costs of trainings to be arranged for individual employees.
Moreover, for each workstation, an occupational risk assessment should be carried out based on results of conducted tests and measurements of physical, chemical, biological and other factors present in the work environment.
In view of the above, we offer, among other things:
Under the complex OSH outsourcing services we can also undertake provision of hygiene consumables and personal protective equipment.
In the case of international companies having internal procedures that in some cases significantly exceed the standards set in local law, the requirements for OSH Outsourcing are much higher.
Based on the experience gained during providing services in the field of Environmental Protection and Health and Safety for leading companies in the fuel and construction industry Vicesima has created a tool that allows you to train and verify knowledge for an unlimited number of employees in a very short time.
The Virtix training platform is one of the elements of our service package offered in OHS outsourcing, adapted to the corporate identity of the customer.
Vicesima Sp. z o.o.
Plac Solny 14,
50-062 Wrocław
NIP: PL 897-17-55-768
REGON: 021077851
KRS: 0000337859
PKO Bank Polski S.A.
Bank account number:
IBAN: PL 26 1020 5242 0000 2502 0621 2601 PLN
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